Johanna Schuh
  1. During these times of massive change and evolution,
  2. I persistently remain positive - after all, stubbornness must be good for something.
  3. Being fully human and enjoying this fascinating multiverse we live in.
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Space of Joy

I simply like to rejoice. I like dancing words, unconventional thoughts and inspiring images. Humor and joyful laughter are part of my daily practice in this wonderfully weird world.

Little things that make me happy
I want to experience joy every day. This means that I focus my attention on this. What brings me joy? It's the little things that make my heart and my face smile: the sun that touches me with its light; a neighbor who holds the front door open for me; the apartment that protects me from the cold, wind and weather; a smile that someone gives me; a sip of coffee that I enjoy ... Every day I look for opportunities to find and give joy. Because it simply makes the world a better place - for me, for others, now and in the future. Here is what my vision for the future looks like. ~ 2023-12-17


Winter wonderland
Snow makes the world quieter, I think. How happy I am about the dancing snowflakes! Life always has unexpectedly touching, lively, comforting moments in store. I'm grateful to be in the warmth of the living room. Or I dress warmly and enjoy a walk in winter wonderland ... ~ 2023-12-02


Rejoice three times
Recently I attended a seminar in which the facilitator often said, "If you succeed once, rejoice once; if you succeed twice, rejoice twice; if you fail, rejoice three times." Um, well, what? I'm supposed to rejoice three times when I don't succeed? Yes, because I have learned something very valuable: It does not work that way. So I am happy and say to myself: Let's do it again! Let's find out! Learning means exploring. Exploring means finding out what works and what doesn't. So it's quite logical that I'm not only happy about success, but also about failure. I practice that every day now. ~ 2023-06-12


Walking with my Hun
Others take walks with their dog, I am walking with my Hun. In TCM, "hun" refers to liver energy, the energy that keeps everything in the body moving. When I move my physical body and go for a walk, for example, I am supporting my Hun. It's a nice thought that brings me joy. Since I have a hard time motivating myself to go out and do physical exercise, I am thankful for any joyful thought that gets me moving. So I am walking with my Hun. ~ 2023-06-01


Change of perspective - a simple tool
There are fences everywhere - I think that's terrible. Emotions like anger or powerlessness rise up in me - my emotion clearly shows me that I don't like that there are fences everywhere. The temptation is strong to get stuck in these dark feelings and negative thoughts. But that is exactly what I will not do. Instead, I change my perspective and deliberately turn my thoughts in a positive direction: I ask myself how I imagine a life-friendly future - in relation to the stumbling block: fences. In my vision of the future, there are no fences because everyone has enough to live on and therefore there are no intrusions. I see this picture quite clearly inside: a peaceful world without fences. And the miracle happens: My dark feelings are transformed into joy because this picture is so beautiful. ~ 2023-04-28


Just beautiful
The lilac blooms and spreads its fragrance. The air smells like spring. Some people are so kind and do not lock the plants out of reach behind a fence. So I can admire the blossoms up close, pause, pull up a little branch and sniff. I can't decide whether the scent that just hangs in the air, blown by a gentle breeze and reaching my nose from a distance, so to speak, is finer than the one when I sniff very close to a blossom. Either way, I feel blessed and happy. Simply because the lilac exists. ~ 2023-04-26


I persistently remain positive
Stubbornness is often seen as a negative trait. Persistence, on the other hand, is seen as positive. Negative traits are the ones we would usually like to get rid of. I do it differently. I ask myself what force is at work here and how I can use this force constructively. Because everything serves, nothing is worthless. In my eyes, stubbornness and persistence are the same forces: I stick to my direction even if obstacles get in the way. Therefore I say: I persistently remain positive - after all, stubbornness must be good for something. ~ 2023-04-24

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